Posts by Collection



Multi-robot Search and Coverage for Infrausture Inspection



This work presents a fast and secure distributed coverage control algorithm to enable a multi-agent system to cooperatively inspect and reconstruct infrastructure. 1) a group of agents is tasked with exploring partially known areas to survey the surface of the target infrastructure and perceiving obstacles continuously. They need to cooperatively seek load-balanced deployment in real-time to improve the efficiency of coverage. 2) gradually perceived obstacles might stop the agent from exploring the environments or cause unpredictable damage to the agents.


[1] Fast and Secure Distributed Multi-agent Coverage Control with An Application to Infrastructure Inspection and Reconstruction. X. Wang*, C. Gao, X. Chen, B. M. Chen. Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2023, Guan Zhao-Zhi Award Finalist. [PDF] [Video]

Multi-robot Pursuit-evasion

convex nonconvex dynamic

In this work, a decentralized control policy to encircle and capture an evader is introduced, which allows pursuers to efficiently trap the evader, increasing greater chance of a successful capture in large, open, obstacle-rich areas with random initial configurations.


[1] OA-ECBVC: A Cooperative Collision-free Encirclement and Capture Approach in Cluttered Environments. X. Wang, Y. Ding, Y. Chen, R. Han, L. Xi*, B. M. Chen. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023. [PDF] [Video]

[2] Distributed Encirclement and Capture of Multiple Pursuers with Collision Avoidance. X. Wang, L. Xi, Y. Ding*, B. M. Chen. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), 2023. [PDF] [Video]

Deadlock-aware Multi-agent Coverage Control

forest office corridor

Multi-agent systems have increasingly become instrumental in tackling search and coverage problems. However, the challenge of optimizing task efficiency without compromising task success still persists, particularly in expansive, unstructured environments with dense obstacles. This work presents an innovative, decentralized geometric separation based controller for search and coverage to reactively navigate these complexities while maintaining safety without deadlock.


[1] Sensor-based Multi-Robot Coverage Control with Spatial Separation in Unstructured Environments. X. Wang, J. Xu, C. Gao, Y. Chen, J. Zhang, C. Wang*, B. M. Chen. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024. [PDF] [Video]


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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